IT'S that time of year again. The school holiday has just begun and the sun is sending temperatures soaring, so what do Hampshire youngsters do to pass the time? They risk their lives.

Yesterday an Echo photographer caught the youngsters in action jumping off a bridge and into the shallow waters of the River Test.

More than 30 daredevil youngsters found the potentially fatal way to keep cool at the 20ft Redbridge Causeway in Southampton.

Police across the south were inundated with calls from concerned members of the public who spotted youngsters jumping from bridges, buildings and seafronts throughout the region.

Incidents have been reported not only at Redbridge but also at Northam bridge, Cowes seafront and Portsmouth.

Today, a police chief issued a strong appeal for them to stop before a tragedy happened.

Insp Howard Povey said the police did not have the powers to stop them but urged parents to spell out the dangers before a life was ruined. He said: "I have lived in Southampton for 50-odd years and it's always been a problem.

"Fortunately, so far, we have not had a fatality and we don't ever want one. But we have had a number of incidents over the years.

"We can only spell out to them the danger involved, and we would be most grateful if the Echo could get that message home to parents.

"It is simply too dangerous to take a chance with. I'm a strong swimmer but I would be reluctant to say the least to jump into the water there, especially when the tide is turning. There is quite a current.''

Echo photographer Stuart Martin captured the youngsters indulging in the craze yesterday afternoon. He said: "I wasn't surprised they were doing it but what did surprise me was the sheer number taking part. There must have been about 30-40. It was also distracting some motorists. People were slowing down to take a look at what they were doing.''