Today's Principal Arrivings:
Le Castellet, vehicle carrier, 0600, 201 link; Tellus, vehicle carrier, 0730, 34/35; Antwerpen express, container, 0800, 206; Maersk Wind, ro/ro, 1230, 40; Crystal Prince, refrigerat, 2100, 101W; P&O Nedlloyd Houtman, container, 2330, 207; Autotransporter, vehicle carrier, PM, 105. Today's principal sailings: Le Castellet, vehicle carrier, 1000, 201 link; APL Sardonyx, container, 1200, 205; Sierra Nafria, refriegat, 1200, 101W; Maersk wind, ro/ro, 2100, 40; Claudia, general, PM, 109; Tellus, vehicle carrier, PM, 34/35; Georgette Trader, general, PM, 102/3. Tomorrow's principal arrivals: Arcadia, cruise ship, 0645, 106; Autosun, vehicle carrier, 0730, 43; Hyundai Independence, container, AM, Con Term; Le Castellet, vehicle carrier, 1200, 201 link; OOCL Shanghai, container, 2000, 206.

Today's Principal Sailings:
Antwerpen Express, container, AM, 206; Le Castellet, vehicle carrier, 1700, 201 link; Arcadia, cruise ship, 2000, 106; P&O Nedlloyd Houtman, container, 2359, 207; Autosun, vehicle carrier, PM, 201/2; Santa Maria, refrigerat, PM, 101E. Today's Esso Fawley and BP movements: Arrivals: Annuity, AM, Esso 6; Asperity, AM, Esso 9; Hai, AM, Esso 3; Milford Fisher, TBA, Esso 9.Sailings: SCF Champion, 1000, Esso 4.

Positions of ships at Noon today:
Positions of ships at noon today Eastern Docks 34/35 Tellus 42 Calshot Western Docks 102/3 Georgette Trader 109 Claudia Container Port 206 Antwerpen Express 207 208 209