AFTER 13 years helping children safely across a busy West End road, lollipop lady Susan Puddick knows the area better than most.

That's why she was amazed when council chiefs introducing safety improvements on the junction of Moorgreen Road and Monarch Way overlooked her chosen crossing spot.

Susan claims that if she was to make use of the new dropped kerbs scores of pupils from St James Primary School would in fact be worse off - left to cross both roads instead of just one.

The experienced school crossing patrol officer has decided to turn her back on the safety measures and stick with what she knows. Susan, 53, who also lives in Monarch Way, said: "I would have to cross two roads and I can't be in two places at once. I can't see any child waiting for me to help them across.

"Using the dropped kerbs, which are about 20 feet up the road, I would have to stand in the road to see one way and I could never get children across the road when traffic is going in and out of the school.

"They are no use to anybody and are a total waste of money. I will cross where I always cross because it is a safer road."

An Eastleigh council spokesman said the sites were picked to improve access to a planned bus shelter.

He said the council would be happy to hear Susan's concerns.