business is really taking off for Waterside company Blondecell, which has won a contract to build gondolas for airships.

Its first 20ft gondola is being polished-up by engineer Laurie Waugh (pictured) ready for its trip north to be united with a 200ft sausage-shaped balloon.

Glassfibre expert Blondecell is working with the Advanced Technologies Group of Bedford to produce the airships. Bigger gondolas - for 1,000-foot blimps - are already in the pipeline.

The Marchwood firm - formerly based at Sway but now at the old Husband's yard at Cracknore Hard - has been making boats and mouldings for 21 years.

But managing director Tony Brewer said that though boats will remain the company's core business, specialisation in the airship industry is the way ahead for his 42-employee firm.

He has invested £35,000 in a massive oven needed to produce the immensely strong but lightweight components to international aerospace standards.

"We are very excited to be involved in this project. It is a real boost for us and for the area too, as we will be taking on more staff," said Mr Brewer.

Blondecell had a difficult start to the year, with an unpaid bill for £127,000 for a huge component it made for the Millennium Dome. "We wrote the money off. We were not the only ones who remain unpaid by the Dome," said Mr Brewer. "But now we are in on the ground floor of the airship business, and the next few years should be good. We are very grateful for this opportunity."