PARENTS have won their fight against an increase in speed limits through a fast-growing new town.

Residents were alarmed when they discovered the Hampshire County Council plan to increase speed restrictions on Yew Tree Drive, Whiteley.

They could not understand why drivers would be encouraged to drive up to 40mph when the road is getting busier as more houses are built, a school and business centre expands and a community centre is opened.

The existing 30mph limit was due to be increased to 40mph, but the county council was lobbied by worried parents of pupils at Whiteley Primary School and other residents, who said the limit would be too fast and could endanger children.

Councillor Sean Woodward, Fareham Borough Council leader, welcomed the county's decision to keep the existing 30mph limit.

He said: "Expansion is carrying on apace in Whiteley and people said the speed limits should be kept at 30mph, at the very least, and preferably, even reduced.

"So they were surprised that it was suggested they be increased. It's ridiculous and goes against the idea of accident prevention.

"This section of Yew Tree Drive is very busy, especially with schoolchildren and their parents crossing and delivering and collecting. People are very pleased at the decision.''

The county council said the original proposal to increase the speed limit reflected the high proportion of cars exceeding the 30mph limit, the average speed being closer to 40mph. This was seen as realistic.

However, residents' views were taken into account and the 30mph limit would remain.

Further suggestions will now go to public consultation, including reducing the 30mph limit on Leafy Lane to 20mph and an increase from 30mph to 40mph on Park Way, leading to Whiteley industrial estate.