PLANS to convert part of a Park Gate chemist's into an off-licence has infuriated more than 70 protesting local residents.

They have presented a petition to Sarisbury councillor Sean Woodward, opposing the conversion of part of Everett's Chemist in Bridge Road into an off-licence.

They claim Park Gate already has enough off-licences and fear drunk youngsters could add to noisy behaviour in the area.

However, they are worried about opposing the plan at a forthcoming licensing magistrates' hearing because they could be stung for costs if they lose their fight.

Mr Woodward branded it an unfair law which penalised objectors in similar cases.

He declared: "It is unfair that if we object, we could be bankrupted by having to pay costs. Something is wrong if people cannot stand up for their rights without fear of losing a lot of money."

He said planning permission was not required because the owner was dividing an existing shop into two.

Mr Woodward said: "There are already three off-licences in Park Gate and the area doesn't need another."

He said residents feared the new off-licence would add to parking difficulties in Bridge Road.

There were also worries that local yobs could buy booze from the shop and then hang around on the nearby seating area in Station Road.

One of the objectors, Bridge Road pensioner David Englefield, said: "We are not unreasonable people. We are objecting because we believe it will cause problems."

Shopowner Colin Baker is away and was unavailable for comment.