A party of 20 young voters from Winchester visited the Houses of Parliament on a trip organised by Conservative Future, the youth wing of the city's Conservative Association.

The tour was led by election hopeful, Andrew Hayes, and it included a meeting with the Conservative Chief Whip, James Arbuthnot MP.

"I am very keen that young people get a first-hand insight on how the political process works," said Mr Hayes.

"Many young people believe they can't make a difference. The message I wanted to convey was that, if our democracy is to thrive, then they must feel involved."

Several of the young visitors have caught the political bug.

Tom Marler-Hausen, secretary of Conservative Future, commented that it was a terrific day out and much better value than a visit to the Millennium Dome! Conservative Future, formed three months ago, has over 50 members with its own club at King Alfred's College, Winchester.