SOUTHAMPTON's controversial deep-sea container port at Dibden Bay has already been constructed - in virtual reality.

Associated British Ports, owners and operators of Southampton Docks, which lodged its formal planning application for the port development yesterday has opened a special information centre about the multi-million pound scheme.

A wesbite dedicated to the proposed terminal has also been launched by ABP on the Internet on

The planned terminal is expected to be the focus of a hotly-contested public inquiry, which could last up to nine months next year.

Visitors to the Dibden information office housed in the ferry terminal at European Way in the city's Eastern Docks will be able to take a computer generated tour through the proposed dockside development on South-ampton Water.

A model of the scheme, planned for reclaimed land formed by dredgings from the sea, will also be on display as will all the application documents.

Entrance to the information office is via Dock gate 4 of the Eastern Docks and the centre is open 10am to 5pm on Mondays to Wednes-days, while on Thurs-days and Fridays it will be 10am to 8pm and Saturdays 10am to 1pm.

The application documents will also be available at Totton and Eling Town Council's offices and at the Hythe local information office at The Grove, St John's Street.

A non-technical summary of the environment statement of the application is avilable in hard-copy from ABP's Dibden project office and on the Internet.

Converted for the new archive on 25 January 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.