SOUTHAMPTON-based design and print company Cedar Press welcomed a new face to its existing team, with the addition of Mark Weeden to the marketing and sales department.

Mark joins Cedar Press as marketing and sales assistant after finishing his marketing degree at the Southampton Institute.

He said: "It's good to be able to finally put into practice everything I learnt through my degree. "I have enjoyed my time here in Southampton and can see a lot of opportunities for me to develop my career at Cedar Press."

Melanie Matthews, commercial director, welcomed Mark. She said: "He will work alongside the sales and design team to add a new dimension to our present service for our customers over the coming year. His role is to co-ordinate not only our own marketing, but to assist the design team in producing market-orientated designs for all our customers."

Mark joined as Cedar Press signed a new three-year contract with Southampton Football Club to continue printing the club's match day programmes and all its other printed material. Cedar Press and Southampton FC have enjoyed a long-standing relationship spanning almost three decades.

Converted for the new archive on 25 January 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.