RESIDENTS in a "neglected'' area of Fareham are celebrating a European cash boost.

Fareham Community Action will use the £5,900 grant to assess needs in north-west Fareham, which it describes as one of the most neglected areas of the town.

The eight-week project aims to push the needs of residents to the top of the agenda, starting with a meeting between locals and council, police and community representatives.

Research Project Co-ordinator Daniel Goater said many locals felt facilities they needed were available elsewhere in Fareham, but not in their area.

He added: "I'm hoping that people who come along will put the problems forward to the councillors so that they will say 'We will do our best on this'."

Local councillors welcomed the European Social Fund money, which could be used to improve youth facilities and education courses.

Councillor Eve Burley said: "I would not say the north-west was any different to other areas, but I certainly look forward to any money being spent on the youth facilities."

Although the area has the largest amount of social housing in the town, the ward as a whole is not considered high-need, meaning it misses out on extra funds.

Councillor John Bryant said government cash for deprived areas was being given to areas like Leigh Park, Havant, but Fareham north-west's needs were not being met.

"There are so many different needs coming from different quarters that it has been almost impossible to set up anything here,'' he said.

"I do not know how we solve all the problems but solving a few at a time is better than nothing."

The borough council will work with Fareham Community Action and Henry Cort School, using the grant money to help local people become more involved.

The next meeting is on Monday at the North-West Community Centre, Henry Cort Drive, at 7pm.

Converted for the new archive on 25 January 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.