SUPERSTORE Asda has helped to get the wheels rolling on a new bus service that should be just the ticket for Eastleigh and Chandler's Ford residents.

First Southampton has launched new bus routes from the fast-growing area to Southampton.

Included in the timetable are direct links from Chandler's Ford and Eastleigh to Southampton General Hospital.

As well as providing the setting for the official launch, the giant store has sponsored a bus guide that will be going through letterboxes of 9,000 homes.

Part of the package of services includes Parkway train station and Southampton University.

Peak-hour express buses are being introduced from Eastleigh bus station, stopping at Southampton Road and Chestnut Avenue before travelling non-stop to Southampton.

Further improvements for residents living on the Oakmount Estate at Chandler's Ford give more direct links to Eastleigh town centre.

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