A TODDLER born with a hole in his heart has celebrated his first birthday - an event his parents feared he would never see.

Sam Cooper has marked a double celebration after winning his battle against the heart defect.

Tucking into birthday cake at his Totton home, Sam displayed little sign that he had fought an illness that left devoted parents Kelly and Andy fearing they would lose their only child. He was born three weeks pre-mature and his parents soon noticed all was not well.

His mother Kelly, 29, said: "I questioned his breathing from birth. When I took him home his head was always bobbing as he breathed and he would get sleepy during feeding because he was so worn out."

At six weeks old he was taken to his doctor who detected a heart murmur. Sam was rushed to Southampton General Hospital.

"They did all sorts of tests and found the hole.I was absolutely devastated. I thought I was going to lose him," said Kelly who lives in St Margaret's Road.

The doctors hoped Sam's body would be able to close the hole itself but nine days later they decided to carry out the four-hour operation.

Sam astounded the experts by making a dynamic recovery - leaving hospital a week after the operation.

To mark his son's big day, dad Andy, 36, and his team mates at Cadnam Football Club, together with members of Romsey Ladies' Hockey Club and friends, have handed over a cheque for more than £1,500 to the children's cardiac ward where Sam was treated.

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