A FAREHAM special school hit by vandals five times in a row has bounced back by holding a Caribbean carnival extravaganza.

Staff and youngsters at St Francis Special School were left devastated when yobs wrecked their play area again and again over the space of just a few weeks between April and June.

But a Caribbean theme week has been just the ticket to lift spirits and get the school in Oldbury Way back on track.

Children have been entertained by a steel band, heard stories from a special storyteller from Trinidad, and made costumes with a national carnival costume designer.

They have also had a special chef tantalising their taste buds with some delicious Caribbean food.

But the most fun was to be had when they dressed up in bright colourful costumes and took to the road outside their school for a fun parade accompanied by musical bands.

Staff, parents and children from the neighbouring special school, Heathfield, lined the street to cheer the children on and youngsters from Lee-on-the-Solent Infant School also joined in the parade.

The happy, smiling faces were a welcome sight to staff at the school who have been trying to bolster spirits since the malicious attacks on their play equipment earlier in the year.

Four teenagers were arrested in June after being caught breaking in by a police camera during the fourth attack on the premises in just four weeks.

Police advised the school they might need to take action and install expensive CCTV cameras in a bid to stop the vandalism happening again.

But the equipment costs in excess of £12,000 - a sum the school would rather spend on facilities for the children.

Deputy head teacher Simon Harmer said: "When you hold an event like this everyone really enjoys themselves and has fun. It lifted everyone's spirits.''