CIVIC chiefs have thrown out an application by Fareham kite surfers wanting to build a new clubhouse.

The council's executive committee said "no" to surfers from Saltern's Park Kite Club, who want to put up three containers on the foreshore at Saltern's Beach, Hill Head, to accommodate their ever-growing numbers.

Environmental officers reported they were not happy with the idea of a permanent clubhouse situated in the middle of a wildlife corridor and recommended it be refused.

Club chairman Berny Maginn, 51, said there was no reason to turn them down.

"I don't see how it's an environmental issue. There was a container there used by wind surfers in the past," he said.

"It's a shame, because we want a clubhouse in order to regulate the amount of members we have so that the sport remains safe.

"The council should be nurturing the talent for this sport in its community.

"I think it will take time for them to accept that kite surfing is a sport."

Kite surfing is an increasingly popular activity and involves surfers, attached to kites, skimming across the water.

The open stretch of water at Hill Head is perfect for the sport.

Mr Maginn said the Saltern's Park club currently boasts some of the most skilled kite surfers in the world, as well as top surfboard-makers.

But members of the council executive said they had to heed the advice of planning and environmental officers, who could not justify a facility of this nature on the site, as the size and design were unsuitable.

They said the clubhouse could affect winter birds and badgers and stressed they needed to regulate activity on the coastline to ensure it was safe for all users.

A number of similar applications, including a refreshment hut, have been turned down in the past.

Councillor Connie Hockley, member for leisure, said: "We have a duty to ensure all activities that people carry out on our land do not result in any damage to the wildlife."