PLANS to create a new primary school moved a step closer after a decision to start formal consultations for a proposed merger of two schools in the town.

Governors at Burnham Copse infant and junior schools, in Bishopswood Road, Tadley, requested a consultation on a proposal that the two amalgamate to form a 210-place primary school.

The proposal was agreed by Cllr David Kirk, executive member for education at Hampshire County Council - the local education authority.

The merger proposal follows a continued fall in roll numbers at both schools.

In January, surplus places were at 37 per cent at the infant school and 30 per cent at the junior school. Now projected figures for January 2010 show a significant increase.

A report to the county council states that the governing bodies of both schools recognise the declining school rolls will impact on staffing levels, presenting considerable challenges in maintaining curriculum delivery.

Peter Colenutt, assistant education officer, said: "There will be a feasibility study carried out to see which one of the school buildings would be most suitable for the 210-place primary school.

"The other building could be demolished and the land sold to help finance work on the new school."

The schools have been working together for the past eight months with a view to eventual amalgamation.

Consultations will take place during the autumn term this year, with a report on the findings due to be considered by councillors in December.

First published: Monday, July 18, 2005