Conditions were perfect for this outdoor production. Unfortunately the acoustics did not match the setting, which meant some of the lines were lost on the audience.

Nevertheless, this was a well-rendered production of an oft-performed play. It was set in the 1920s to soften the overtly sexist nature of the play, in which Katharina (Sylvia Hammond) is made putty in the hands of Petruchio (David Balfour), her new husband.

Balfour also directed the play, which gathered pace in Act Two when Baptista (Linda Capon) requests Gremio (Bernard Miles) and Tranio (Neville Green) to state their financial offers for daughter Bianca (Emma Buck).

Apart from the occasional static moments, the cast moved over the natural terrain, using the split-level to full advantage.

Biondello (Brian Buck) provided humour much appreciated by the large audience.

A chance to see Shakespeare in ideal surroundings. Runs until Saturday.

The Taming of The Shrew

Lyndhurst Drama and Musical Society

Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Jim Rumsey