OBJECTIONS: Have been raised by the parish council in respect of a planning application in Cavalier Road.

The development, which is at the rear of numbers 151 to 157, is proposed for a small mini-estate of 14 dwellings.

The objections by the council are based on the opinion that there will be an overdevelopment of the site; that it will create an undesirable precedent; and it is contrary to highway safety.

The plans are available at the parish offices.

Any objections must be submitted by July 22.

SALLY Friday: And her pals at the allotment hut are going potty with the number of different-sized pots that have been left at the hut for selling on.

If you need any she has a surplus.

What she really needs are any surplus plants or vegetables, which can be sold on a Sunday, between 10am and noon.

WHAT a treat it was to see a letter in the Basinga from our very own Cllr Elaine Still.

It is great to have someone who is participating in our village life.

She was in the lead car in the carnival, now she is getting actively involved in the problems on the A30 and at the car park at the Lychpit Centre.

If you have a problem, contact her on 468324, or 07747 862913.

GARDENING club in Old Basing: Jaki Robins is asking for potential committee members to give her a call on 351709.

You don't have to be on the committee - she will want your call if you are interested in joining.