PLAN: The South East Plan is now coming up for final approval and Kingsclere is still scheduled to stay within the proposed high-density growth area called the Western Corridor and Blackwater Valley.

Claims have been made that this could protect Kingsclere from excessive development.

The parish council feels differently and wrote suggesting that the proposal's inclusion of part of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in a high-density area was wrong and that the boundary should be withdrawn at least to the A339 and better still the River Enborne.

This seems to have gone nowhere.

It has also expressed concerns about the lack of proper infrastructure to support the continued high rate of building in the South East.

There is still time to give your views to Cllr Jonathan Glen, at the Castle, Winchester.

LITTER: Volunteers have filled at least four black sacks with empty beer cans and the other detritus of the gatherings of our young people on the Dell Recreation Ground over the last week of hot evenings.

Parents could do Kingsclere a great service by explaining to their offspring that no one wants to stop them having fun but we all resent having to pick up their rubbish, especially on occasions when it contains drug-taking equipment and used condoms.

There are plenty of litter bins and it is surely not too much to ask that they are used.

HOSPICE: St Michael's Hospice is a very good local charity and will be running its house-to-house collection through August.

We still do not get a full coverage in the village.

If you feel you are able to help, please contact Josie Norton on 298059.