TAKE eight tonnes of sand, a net and a couple of posts and instantly you have transformed a Hampshire pub into a beachside sporting arena.

Regulars at the White Horse pub in Otterbourne took part in a beach volleyball tournament bathed in glorious sunshine as part of a charity fun day.

Face-painting and an inflatable slide kept the younger customers amused while a charity auction and live bands provided entertainment well into the evening.

The fun day was organised by Kevin Reese in aid of Naomi House children's hospice, which provides care for children with life-limiting illnesses.

Mr Reese, who is a groundsman at the pub, said: "I've organised something like this before and I just thought it would be a bit of fun to do it again. It has taken about eight weeks to organise but it is well worth it for the charity.

"The beach volleyball was easy to organise thanks to Aggregate Supplies, who gave us eight tonnes of sand to create the court."

Landlady Karen Brooks said: "The customers seem to have really enjoyed it. I think a children's charity is so emotive that people really support a cause like Naomi House."

The event was on course to raise £1,000 for the charity with auction prizes that include flights to Brussels.

More Naomi House stories in our special 'Charities' section.