A HAMPSHIRE great grandmother's family certainly had lofty ambitions for her 92nd birthday celebrations - feeding giraffes at Marwell Zoo.

Bonnie Dubois has been totally besotted by the animals since childhood and was delighted with the visit to the zoo near Winchester.

The visit was organised by her grandson Craig Hartley, service manager at Hendy Mazda Winchester, which has a close working relationship with the nearby zoo.

"It was a total surprise and I had the most wonderful day,"' said Bonnie, who lives in a retirement home in Veals Lane, Marchwood.

"The giraffes were absolutely wonderful and very keen on bananas. One wrapped his long blue tongue right round my hand and then licked my cheek."

Bonnie's daughter, Lyn Hartley of Eling, said: "Mum was so surprised and absolutely delighted. I don't think she has stopped laughing since.

"She has loved giraffes ever since she was a tiny child when her nanny showed her a picture of one in a book.

"She built up a really big collection of giraffe ornaments and cuddly toys but, when she went into a care home eight years ago, they were dispersed around the family.

"We really can't thank Marwell and Hendy enough for ensuring such a wonderful day."