Harry Redknapp will today be asked to perform a footballing trick of escapology of which legendary namesake Houdini would be proud.

The Saints manager was today counting down the hours until the transfer window slams shut at 5pm this afternoon.

English football's great wheeler-dealer has already revealed he expects to do his last few summer transactions without spending any more money.

With chairman Rupert Lowe having sanctioned just one per cent of the £9m Saints have recouped from selling players on new faces, Redknapp has effectively been charged with attempting to win promotion back to the Premiership with his hands tied.

Once the transfer window closes, Redknapp will not be able to strengthen a squad he has repeatedly insisted lacks enough quality to win an instant return to the elite until January 1 at the earliest.

For the second time in four seasons, Redknapp will be trying to take a south coast club out of the Championship.

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