Sir.-So, our MPs have voted against the 90-day detention rule for suspected terrorists.

I suppose they will be quite happy if, and when, the police have to let a suspect go after the new 28-day period because they haven't had enough time to obtain sufficient evidence.

Therefore, I suppose, it doesn't matter if he/she then blows up another train, or bus, or even worse. The MPs will have had their way.

On an issue such as this, they should forget that there may possibly be jobs up for grabs next month (they mustn't rebel in case it goes against them). They should forget their political allegiance and rivalries, they should forget their personal opinions.

We put them there, they are there for us, so they should listen to their constituents, to the wise words of senior police officers or, better still, the relatives of the victims of 7/7 and 9/11.

This is our country and we should jealously guard it against terrorist action, no matter how radical that has to be.

It is said that a vote not used is a vote wasted. That appears not to be the case - I used mine and obviously wasted it.

I now wonder if it is worth voting at all.

-Roy Grimwood, Quilter Road, Brighton Hill, Basingstoke.