Sir.-The news of proposed "improvements" to the Ringway-A33 junction is most unwelcome.

I use that route most days and while it's a pain at peak times, the proposed changes don't seem at all well suited to the realities of the situation.

There can't be more than half-a-dozen buses an hour using that roundabout. How come they need a lane all to themselves?

And I can't remember the last time I saw a cyclist on the A33. Any who are brave enough to risk it deserve a medal as far as I'm concerned. There's actually plenty of scope to build a cycle route completely separate from the A33 - why don't they do that instead of forcing motorists and cylists to mix it and get in each other's way?

I certainly would alter that junction, though, but if it was up to me, the default route would be between the A33 north and Ringway South to Black Dam, and traffic heading to or from the Ringway North and West would be directed up to the roundabout. But that will never happen. Instead the powers-that-be prefer to disrupt the traffic for a year to install traffic lights on yet ano-ther roundabout.

If ever there was an admission of traffic planning failure, it's got to be roundabouts with traffic lights.

-Mark Scott, Poplar Close, Sherfield-on-Loddon.