ILLEGAL pedlars are being warned: don't come to Winchester.

Retailers, the city council and police are joining forces to keep them off the High Street in the run-up to Christmas.

Anyone ignoring the warning runs a big risk of being arrested.

Officers, some in plain clothes, will be out in force on the streets.

City centre manager Graham Love said: "Unlicensed street traders contribute nothing to the local economy. Often traders are passing off shoddy, inferior quality goods to the unsuspecting public and consumers often have no way of redress."

Mr Love said: "Winchester has a vibrant market tradition and licensed street traders add quality and choice to the retail offering in the city."

Anyone who is aware of illegal trading taking place in the city is being asked to report it to police.

Mr Love continued: "We want all licensed traders and shoppers to be aware that illegal traders will target Winchester over the Christmas period and that by working together we can crack down on this practice."