PROTESTERS in a Basingstoke neighbourhood have lost their battle to prevent floodlights being installed on outdoor sports pitches at a community centre.

A group of residents living near the Hatch Warren Community Centre launched two petitions during consultation over the project and sent more than 60 letters of objection to the council's planning department.

But the lights could be up and running as early as April this year after the borough council's development control committee gave the project planning permission.

Hatch Warren ward councillor Phil Heath, who sits on the development control committee, did not vote as he has been involved in the project, but he spoke to fellow councillors in support of the application.

Cllr Heath said: "If I didn't believe this would benefit residents and the youths, I would not have supported it and I think in six months residents will say they have not even noticed it."

A group of residents who attended the meeting were left angry and disappointed by the decision, as they fear they will now have lights shining through their windows until late at night and be troubled by noise from groups of youngsters using the outdoor games areas.

John Cawthorne, of Moorhams Avenue, said: "The proposed floodlights are within 11 metres of our homes and will be directly viewable from all our homes.

"It will be like having a football pitch with associated noise and bad language right in our back gardens.

"If there is no nuisance from lights or noise, then we will hold up our hands and say 'thank you', but I do not think that will happen.

"The battle is not lost completely and the council will get complaints if the lighting and noise levels are found to be unacceptable."

First published: Monday, March 20, 2006