STALWART members of the Grenville Quilters took part in a 24-hour Quilt-A-Thon to raise money for the Chernobyl Children's Charity.

The charity raises money to bring over groups of children from the region blighted by the nuclear power disaster.

Two years ago the Grenville Quilters hosted their first Chernobyl Quilt Day and they have since held fun days for children, who are ill with various forms of cancer and stay with host families for about a month.

The Quilt-A-Thon started mid-morning at Grateley Village Hall with some members making separate quilts for Chernobyl children and other making a complete quilt, which will be donated to the charity to raffle.

Andover MP Sir George Young went along in the afternoon to give them moral support.

This week organiser Cherie Lumsden said the event went better than anyone could have expected.

They hope to have raised about £700 for the charity.