JJ'S Indoor Play and Party Centre: Situated in Morse Road, West Ham Industrial Estate, Basingstoke, has been set aside on May 26 for children with special needs, along with their brothers and sisters, to attend, learn, exercise and develop through play, while parents can relax over a cuppa.

The time is from 7pm to 9pm, and cost is £4 per child.

The age limit is 14 and there is no need to book - just come along and have fun.

For more details, call Paula on 07813 298066.

JOHN Wall's fair: Is coming to Oakridge on May 5, 6 and 7.

Children with terminal illnesses, disabled children, mentally handicapped children and young adults with ASD and Asperger's have been invited to go along on May 5, at 2pm, for a free afternoon of fun.

Call me for more details.