POST office: Once again, the long-term future of our post office is under threat.

About four years ago, the Government decided to abolish pension books and replace them with a card cash account.

The alternative was for your pension to be paid direct to a bank account.

If, like me, you banked with a bank which did not use post office facilities and wanted to secure the future of our own post office you opted for card cash. You went through a long, drawn-out procedure.

If you stuck it out you found yourself with a very useful facility - a quick and easy method for obtaining cash in the village.

All this is under threat again as the Government announces the decision to phase out the card cash account in four years.

If, like me, you feel bureaucrats in Whitehall are undermining the viability of our post office by measures such as this, then please sign the petition in the post office whether you are a pensioner or not.

FILM club: It's time to book for the The Last Samurai at the Village Club on May 6, at 7.30pm.

This film came out in 2004 and is set in the 1870s when Japan was modernising with US help.

FAREWELL: If you want to join the farewell evening for Alan and Heath Denness on Monday, May 8, call the parish office so we can have a reasonable feel for the numbers coming.

PARISH council: Meets in the Village Club on Monday, at 7.30pm.