ENERGETIC youth was the focus of a new gallery of work by young Hampshire artists.

Standing off the wall of the D@rt arts centre in Wildern School, Hedge End, Arran Mackintosh's large scale mural is striking as the central piece of the community arts project.

The 18-year-old was part of a group of students from Fareham College of Arts who were commissioned to fill the blank wall with a mural to represent the atmosphere of the centre.

Taking the live stage of a rock gig complete with colourful figures of a lead guitarist, screaming fans and photographers, Arran's piece was chosen by fellow students, and selected from eight final works by staff at the school.

Alison Neasom, community arts development manager, praised the piece, saying: "It says everything we could want about the energy and youth of the centre."

Other works include original clothing designs and models and can be seen at the gallery for the next few weeks.