COME rain or shine, they were going to thoroughly enjoy themselves - and unlike last year's miserable conditions, spring burst upon the scene for more than 50 youngsters and their families at a Hampshire adventure park.

To cap it all, they arrived in style - on board vintage fire engines.

The day marked the annual visit to Paultons Park by children, aged between two and 12, who have been, or still are patients on the Piam Brown Ward at Southampton General Hospital, which specialises in caring for young cancer sufferers.

The youngsters, together with parents, family and friends, met at St Mary's Stadium where they boarded more than a dozen fire engines belonging to a preservation society.

Wessex Cancer Trust fundraiser Belinda Poore said: "Paultons Park has been a tradition for more than 15 years now and it's definitely a huge boost for the children and their families. It's something they really look forward to and to arrive at Paultons on a fire engine - well, that's something!"

After the day out, everyone enjoyed tea at Romsey fire station.