Today's principal Southampton arrivals:

Baltic Breeze, vehicle carrier, 1230, 201; Grand Benelux, roro, 1730, Western Docks; Sovereign Maersk, container, 1830, 207

Today's principal sailings:

City of Lutece, roro, 1100, 201; Auto Atlas, roro, 1430, 101; Los Angeles Express, container, 1500, 207; Bunga Seroja Satu, container, 1600, 206; Oriana, passenger, 1700, 106; Baltic Breeze, vehicle carrier, 1900, 201

Tomorrow's principal arrivals:

Ocean Spirit, vehicle carrier, 0330, 40; Legend of the Seas, passenger, 0500, 101; Aurora, passenger, 0600, 106; Courage, vehicle carrier, 0700, 34/35; Saga Ruby, passenger, 0700, 38/9; Autotransporter, roro, 0830, 201; Fjord Pearl, cargo, 0830, 107; Grande Ellade, vehicle carrier, 1030, 202

Tomorrow's principal sailings:

Grande Benelux, roro, 0100, Western Docks; Sovereign Maersk, container, 0700, 207; Autotransporter, roro, 1400, 201; Ocean Spirit, vehicle carrier, 1600, 40; Legend of the Seas, passenger, 1700, 101; Aurora, passenger, 1700, 106; Saga Ruby, passenger, 1700, 38/9; Courage, vehicle carrier, 2000, 34/35; Grande Ellade, vehicle carrier, 2300, 202