A MEMORIAL charity has lit up sick children’s lives by supplying £5,400 worth of electrical equipment for a new sensory room at a hospice.

The Peter Barker-Mill Memorial Charity has given the donation to jacksplace – the new unit for young people at Naomi House Hospice in Sutton Scotney.

Money raised has funded electrical works and equipment for the room as well as providing a DVD player and a sound system for the youngsters to enjoy.

Chairman of Naomi House Khalid Aziz said: “Jacksplace@naomihouse provides those with life-limiting conditions the opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family. The new sensory room is the perfect setting in which people receiving respite care at the hospice can watch a film and listen to music together.

“We are extremely grateful to the Peter Barker-Mill Memorial Charity for its continued support. Without the necessary funding, the new sensory room would have not been possible.”

Established in 1995 from funds provided by members of the Barker-Mill family in memory of their father and grandfather, the Peter Barker-Mill Memorial Charity has donated in excess of £1 million to community projects across Hampshire.