AS A famous pop group once sang – here come the girls!

Naomi House hospice is organising a ladies-only moonlit walk through Winchester to raise funds for the charity.

The hospice is hoping hundreds of women will be sponsored to ditch their high heels in favour of walking boots for the 8km hike through the city.

Money raised will go towards paying for the essential care of the children who attend the Sutton Scotney hospice, which has raised more than £45,000 with walks in Southampton over the past two years.

The event starts at 9pm on Saturday, March 19 at the University of Winchester. Each walker will receive a special T-shirt, refreshments and a medal at the finishing line.

Although men are not allowed to participate, they are not excluded altogether as the hospice needs helpers to marshal the event.

To register, download a booking form from or call the fundraising office on 01962 843513.

Registration costs £12 until the end of January and then £15 thereafter.

The closing date for entries is March 4 and the minimum age of entry is 12, but all under-18s must be accompanied by an adult.