WITHIN hours of twice appearing in court, a former fast food vendor went shoplifting, a judge heard.

Initially, Ali Beigy-Hadad was seen putting 29 cans of deodorant into a bag before attempting to leave a Southampton shop without paying.

Prosecutor Duncan Milne said he ran off but was caught by a store detective.

On the second occasion, he put several key rings into his pockets and was stopped outside the store after making no attempt to pay.

On a third occasion, Beigy-Hadad was spotted with another man on the roof of a building in Commercial Road, Southampton, removing lead which they dumped into a trolley below. When the police were called, they ran off but an officer examining CCTV coverage from neighbouring businsses, recognised him.

Beigy-Hadad, 36, of Cranbury Terrace, admitted three counts of theft and breaching a conditional discharge and a suspended sentence.

Judge Patrick Hooton jailed him for 51 weeks.

Nicholas Tucker, defending, said Beighy-Hadad ran two fast food outlets before the recession bit and he then turned to using heroin.