MORE than 100 people have been arrested so far as part of Hampshire police’s summer drink drive crackdown.

The latest round of arrests – between June 11 and June 17 has taken the total number of drivers arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence to 107.

The figures reflect an eight per cent increase on last summer’s 99 arrests.

As part of the campaign the force is also reminding revellers heading to this weekend’s Isle of Wight festival not to risk driving home if they are planning a weekend of excess.

Those intending to drive home after the festival are being warned to make alternative arrangements if they are planning a heavy session of drinking on their last night as they may still be over the limit the following morning.

Festival-goers will have a chance to see if they are fit to drive by taking a voluntary breathalyser test as they leave the venue and head to their cars.

Sergeant Paul Bailey from the force’s Roads Policing Unit said: “Don’t let a great weekend end on a sour note. Be sure you’re sober before heading home. If you’re not sure you will be make alternative travel arrangements – better that than a drink-driving conviction, or worse.”