CHARLIE Jacob-Gray’s dream came true a few weeks ago.

The 29-year-old from Gosport opened her own cake shop, making intricate designs for weddings, birthdays and other special occasions.

As a result of a traumatic birth she only has full use of one arm, but she has not let that hold her back.

Now she is hoping to raise awareness about her condition, erbs palsy.

“I was 11lb 2oz when I was born so I was a big baby and got stuck when I was being born,” she explains.

“They had to break my collarbone to get me out which caused damage to my arm.”

Charlie has limited movement in her left arm and hand but she has learnt how to do things in her own way, from putting her hair up to rolling out icing.

“I’ve always found a way to adapt,” she says. “One thing I can’t do is washing-up but I don’t mind about that.”

She has always been keen on baking and began making decorative birthday cakes for her son.

This hobby developed into a business and after making cakes for friends and family she moved on to running her own business, Charlie’s Cakes, baking in her home kitchen, but soon outgrew the space and has now opened her own shop in Gosport.

She has had to learn how to create striking cakes in her own way. Charlie can’t make piped flowers as that requires two hands, but can make shaped ones with one hand instead and uses an extra large rolling pin to give her more control.

“To start with I was forever getting lumps and bumps in the cakes,” she says.

“I want people to realise that having a disability doesn’t mean you can’t do things. I’ve always got on with it.”

n Charlie’s Cake Shop is at 11 North Cross Street, Gosport.