YOUNGSTERS from the Rose Road Association got a sneak preview of the stampede set to descend on Southampton next summer.

The children took a visit to Marwell Wildlife – which is running the Daily Echobacked Go! Rhinos public art exhibition – in celebration of the attraction’s 40th anniversary.

For ten weeks next year, colourful rhino sculptures showcasing the best of Hampshire’s artistic talent will take to the streets of Southampton.

As long-term supporters of African rhino conservation, the park is hoping the works of art will highlight the significant threat facing the animals in the wild.

But the display is also in aid of a cause closer to home, with the Rose Road Association, which helps children with disabilities, set to benefit from sponsorship for the project and a charity auction selling the sculptures at the end of the scheme.

Children who use the charity's Bradbury Centre enjoyed a day out to launch the Go!

Rhinos partnership with Marwell – and got to see the real thing close up at the park’s Rhino House.

The youngsters have been inspired about creating their own rhino sculpture, and the charity is hoping to produce a “multi-sensory” design, with textured patterns that visually impaired children will be able to feel.

Carly Parrick of the Rose Road Association, said: “The whole of Rose Road are thrilled to be part of such an inclusive project.

“Our baby rhino sculpture Ruby is already part of the family and her design will be inspired by the children.”

The Daily Echo has also got involved with the innovative fundraising project – and our very own rhino was delivered to the Redbridge offices last week.

Marwell Wildlife is hoping that schools, businesses and artists from across the region will contribute towards creating the unique sculpture trail.

Companies are being asked to sponsor the rhinos, artists are being invited to paint the sculptures and schools can join the project by decorating their own baby rhino.

For more information about the scheme, which is being run in partnership with Wild in Art, business Solent and Southampton City Council, email or go to .