A SOUTHAMPTON man involved in a pub fight was on bail for two night time burglaries, the city crown court heard.

Carl Rogerson, 20, had first broken into a house in Coxford where he woke up the two occupants as he made off with a games machine and some games.

He was bailed but within days entered another house in the same area where he stole a cash box containing £20, a sewing machine and other items. He was again released on bail when he became involved in trouble at the Windsor Castle pub in Shirley.

Prosecutor Siobhan Linsley described how glasses were smashed and a table overturned in the fight. One customer grabbed hold of Rogerson and punched him seven or eight times after he had swung a bottle at a work colleague. It ended with Rogerson picking up a bar stool and hurling it across the room before leaving.

Rogerson, of Coxford Close, Southampton, admitted two burglaries and one count of affray and was jailed for 21 months.