THE distraught former boss of a Southampton restaurant which dramatically closed down has vowed to pay back customers.

Furious customers had their wedding receptions and party plans left in tatters after paying deposits for their special occasions at NV restaurant in Southampton.

They demanded to know where their cash had gone and the whereabouts of NV founders Jean Leake and Konstantinos Tsopelas. Now Ms Leake has contacted the Daily Echo in a bid to reassure up to 100 frantic customers.

In an exclusive interview, Ms Leake said that she was still in the city and added: “I’m sick with worry. I am not in hiding and I haven’t stopped crying.

“NV has been my life – it is all I ever cared about. I feel numb, totally numb.

“I’m so sorry and I would do everything I possibly could to put things right.”

Ms Leake ran the business for more than seven years. The 51-year-old said: “Any cash deposit will be paid in full, it is safe. If I could pay everyone out of my own pocket right now I would.”

Ms Leake said that she was meeting with solicitors to find out what will happen to the customers who paid on cards.

“My heart goes out to these people and their parents. If that was my daughter, my heart would be broken,” said Ms Leake, who quit as director of NV the day before landlord Peter Harding repossessed the building, claiming that he was not paid rent.

Ms Leake said: “We did get behind. It was difficult.

We spent more than £200,000 just on utilities and we were told the rent was going up from £70,000 to £90,000 but we agreed a set amount and we did pay that.”

Ms Leake said that she got very sick and was signed off months ago.

“It took a lot for me to decide I couldn’t cope any more,” she said.

“I had no idea this was coming. It is a complete mess. We wanted to fight for it but the new lease was signed the next day.

“I have been in Southampton for 34 years and I want to be able to walk around this town with my head held high.”

Lee-Ann Venn, who paid a £6,500 deposit to NV for her wedding reception, which was due to take place in just six weeks, has already heard from NV saying that it will pay back the £1,200 she paid in cash.

The 21-year-old said: “I’m really pleased because we are getting some money back but my partner Kat is pretty nervous.”

The lease has been sold to two new tenants, who plan to run the business as a private members’ club and it remains closed while it is being refurbished.