FANS of rock star Meat Loaf were left disappointed again after the music legend failed to impress at his latest gig date in Yorkshire.

The rocker is reported to have sworn at hordes of fans about being teetotal during his latest concert at Castle Howard on Friday night.

Reviews of the gig claimed fans left the concert early after the singer appeared to hit out at criticism that he didn't interact with the audience during previous shows on his tour.

One fan claimed he was frequently out of tune, nowhere near the top notes and often slurred the lyrics' before saying the ticket was an absolute waste of money'.

However, another fan claimed that people were leaving early to beat the traffic and that everyone in the audience were enjoying the gig'.

Click here to watch a clip of the Broadlands show

The news comes after the Daily Echo reported on Friday how the 60-year-old Texan rocker apologised for his poor performance in front of a 10,000-strong crowd at Broadlands in Romsey.

His apology came after the paper was inundated with letters and e-mails from concert goers who had paid out £37.50 plus booking fee for a ticket but were left furious over the poor sound quality and lacklustre' performance.