LOCAL businessman Peter Day is UKIP's candidate in New Forest East.

He said: "As a businessman, living and working in the New Forest, I know how the EU stifles free enterprise with burdensome regulations.

"Also, I object to being a citizen of the EU and having to pay £2000 a year for the 'privilege'.

"The people of Britain have never agreed to join a United States of Europe, which is modelled on the USSR not USA, and all three main parties broke their promise on a referendum.

"On a local level, I believe that more affordable housing should be provided, only for local people, and that local businesses should be encouraged to make the New Forest sustainable for local people.

"If elected, I pledge not to make any expenses claims, but pay for them out of the salary afforded to MPs, whilst retaining the Chairmanship of my company."

Mr Day is married with four grown-up children, and has an honours degree in Law & Economics from Keele University. He is a a Christian and enjoys playing football, tennis and flying.