RATS as big as cats!

The very notion has been with us, aided by the famous trench warfare song My Eyes Are Dim, as a joke for as long as we can remember.

Now they may be a reality, thanks in part to the recent storms, but more to the point because as humans we provide so much waste.

That rats can grow as large as 2ft long is down to a good diet rather than some super genetic strain. If we are to see off the monster creatures, then we need to change the way we dispose of our refuse.

Perhaps we also might consider why we throw away so much food that rats and other vermin then find so useful and nutritious. While this paper does not suggest we should be eating scraps, there is perhaps a lesson for us to consider in making the most of the food we have and ensuring little if any goes to waste.

Certainly past generations – those who fought in the trenches and lived during rationing at home – would find the amount of food we throw away today a disgrace.

Our monster rats then are perhaps a living example to us of what so much waste looks like when transformed into living flesh and bone.

Perhaps we should pity the rats. After all, it isn’t their fault for doing what nature intended – but ours for feeding them far too well.