The Ex-Saints Association have insisted they have not had a fallout with the football club.

The Southampton Old Boys group say they have had nothing to do with the organisation of this weekend’s 125th anniversary events and that, contrary to a national newspaper report, they still have a good relationship with Saints.

In a statement released to the Daily Echo they said: “The Ex-Saints are able to confirm that there is no conflict whatsoever between the Ex-Saints and the football club and that there is a good and firm relationship between both the club and the Ex-Saints Association.

“The Ex-Saints wish this to continue both for the benefit of the club and the Ex-Saints Association.”

The statement added: “Following the recent press articles, there appears to be some confusion concerning the 125th Anniversary Events, which are taking place this weekend. The Ex-Saints wish to clarify that these events are not “Ex-Saints” events are not being organised by the Ex-Saints.

“The Ex-Saints are therefore not able to comment on any of the discussions between the organisers of the events and the club concerning the arrangements for the events (including any discussions that have taken place, or may have taken place, concerning the attendees for the event).

“The Ex-Saints are also not able to comment on the relationship between Southampton Football Club and the organisers of this weekend’s events.”