What does the story of three Eastleigh councillors trailing a former mayor along the road to film him using his car without a tax disc tell us about what is going on at that authority?

The incident – reported in today’s Daily Echo (Monday) – revolved around three members of the ruling Lib Dem administration (councillors Paul Bicknell, Keith Trenchard and Chris Thomas) spotting fellow councillor Glynn Davies-Dear pulling out of the car park at a Bishopstoke Parish Council meeting.

Our three super-sleuths, who were in another vehicle, just happened to notice the former mayor’s car did not have a tax disc and so decided to pursue. As they followed they took photographs and also video to use as evidence.

The evidence was duly handed over to the police – who took no action as Councillor Davies-Dear was legally entitled to drive his car that way as he was returning from taking it for an earlier MOT test.

Eastleigh Borough Council did regard this as a heinous crime, however, and decided to pursue the matter, eventually slapping the former mayor on the wrists for “bringing the office of councillor into disrepute.”

Strange goings on indeed. Why, for instance, did the authority, when the police had ruled out action, bother to spend valuable time investigating the issue?

It surely could not have anything to do with the fact Councillor Davies-Dear used to belong to the Lib Dem group until he led a small break-away party last year? No, perish the thought that this was all just silly, childish, mean-spirited, point-scoring among grown-ups.

Nor could it be, and here I am certain I am on solid ground, it most definitely could not be the fact that Eastleigh Council with its huge Lib Dem majority has become more like an old soviet-style regime that trucks no dissent and will hound those who dare to break ranks with the fervour of a secret police state.

No , none of the above makes sense at all.

All that remains to be considered then is that our three Sherlocks simply acted out a deep sense of public duty.

It’s marvellous to know we have such people holding elected office.