JANUARY 15 was the day that there is more proof that we do not have a democracy. It’s just a word that most people are oblivious to the real meaning of.

The councillors should be ashamed of themselves for letting this ugly warehouse be built over probably the last country lane we have in this city; there’s a loss of local footpaths, old trees will be cut down and a loss of half the road.

There will be more traffic at peak times through the local roads to add to the bad air quality, more noise for the local Millbrook residents and dirty air for the local school.

Lidl would not even consider putting up any solar panels. How arrogant is that in this day and age?

Apathy runs rife in the local population and that is what the council count on, so that they get to do what they want.

But what happens if it all goes wrong, like Lidl closes down in the future?

J S, Southampton.