YOU have been featuring the plight of people in and around the Southampton area having fewer buses. At least they have got some!

Where I live, we went from a two-hourly service, which ran between Bournemouth to Southampton. Now we have none at all, apart from the New Forest visitors sightseeing tour. You would think we could have a service into Ringwood, our nearest town, or New Milton where there is the railway station, perhaps even Brockenhurst. I have no main drainage here, no street lighting thankfully, and the local police house was closed down. There are fewer shops than when I was a boy. And yet I have to pay the highest band of council tax.

I have been complaining for years that there is no sign post at Durmast Corner at the end of my road, it disappeared more than 50 years ago.

One small piece of good news is that after I reported there were no white markings along the road leading off at Wilverley towards the Rising Sun at Wootton, they were repainted recently. And yet the local authorities questioned whether I had the right road, as according to their records, it did not need to be done.

My query is, why did the local councillors not report it?