AS a self-confessed middle lane hogger, I am waiting for my first penalty ticket for travelling in the safest way on a motorway.

Travelling at the maximum legal limit of 70mph, I have nothing to do except watch the car in front. Nobody should want to overtake me. If they do they have the outside lane and hopefully a speeding ticket.

The other day I decided to try to keep in the inside lane.

I eventually had to slow down for the large truck in front travelling at its governed speed limit, only to have another big truck come up my stern.

I had no visibility to pull out and at 50mph was at great risk from being hit by a car I could not see travelling at 70mph in the middle lane.

This weaving in and out over the whole journey was one great accident waiting to happen and now compounded with this nasty Government’s desire to squeeze as much money as possible from the motorists.

Accidents are going to happen. A more sensible idea is to make the outside lane like a railway line with only traffic wanting to travel at a steady 70mph.