COULD we have a television debate on either the BBC or ITV networks where only Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage are invited to inform viewers of the advantages or disadvantages of our EU membership?

Both should be given advance notice of the questions asked by a presenter/chairman, so that they do have their figures and party policies to hand, then later open up to questions from the public.

I can not see any advantage of inviting the Conservatives as they are split and have no majority within their own party, on this important issue.

Labour will say, “We will see what the situation is at the time”.

In other words, whatever it takes to win some votes.

We, as a nation need to get this matter dealt with now.

I believe most of us would think Nick Clegg would keep calm, polite and stick to the facts. Nigel Farage will lose his rag and start to rant by calling people names.

RICHARD GRANT, Bisterne Close, Burley.