Like many other people I am bemused to see that, according to Euro rulings, we may get 20,000-plus Romanian and other eastern unemployed flooding into our pleasant land in January looking for jobs. As we have 2.7 million people out of work already what insanity is this?

If the Germans are to be believed, we are piling up disaster for all of our services, NHS and the economy. There will be no housing for them as the Government says we need millions of houses for our own homeless. When are we going to stand our ground and say enough is enough?

Politicians will tell you that there will be control as regards their ability to speak English, and won’t get dole money before so many weeks.

What a load of rubbish. The Labour Party let millions in who we didn’t even know about. When are we going to get politicians who stand up and be counted?

The present Government is playing into the hands of the UKIP and I foresee their popularity blossoming, as they seem to have the same ambitions of a lot of the electorate. I fervently hope that this will continue to be a green and not overpopulated land.

ALAN BLANDFORD, Southampton.