MY husband and I are very unhappy about the council giving the go-ahead for a sulphur plant to be built here in Southampton. Most of us never even knew anything about this.

The council should go back to the boardroom and put the vote to the people as we have to live near this. Why, all of a sudden do we have to put up with this sort of thing being built near residential houses?

I bet a lot of the councillors who voted for the sulphur plant don’t live anywhere near the scheme.

People that have to live near it worked hard over the years to buy their houses, and if they ever want to sell their property, it being near a sulphur plant will de-value it.

We have never needed a sulphur plant and we don’t need one now.

I have phoned the sulphur company and they say it is all safe and we won’t get any smells. Who are they kidding?

I smell a rat as big money is to be made from this and the residents seem to have to put up and shut up.

Well, I don’t think we should anymore.

The councillors should void the decision they made in the first place on the basis that a proper wide consultation never took place as a lot of the public were not informed of the plans.

I don’t expect any would have voted for a sulphur plant had it been going to be built in their backyards.

This is supposed to be a democratic society, that means a lot of people should have been informed on this and the vote given to the people seeing we have to live nearby.

Democratic is in the dictionary and I suggest the councillors look it up to find out the true meaning.